ニコニコのり株式会社×大阪芸術大学 「おにぎりサミット」において「世界のおにぎり」プロジェクト新商品発表 ~在大阪英国総領事館、在大阪スイス領事館〈協力〉~…

掲載日: 2024年02月01日 /提供:ニコニコのり


1921年以来、海苔専業メーカーとして、安心で高品質なのり製品と、食卓や家族の笑顔を彩る時代を先取した加工食品を提案・提供しているニコニコのり株式会社(本社:大阪府大阪市 代表取締役社長:白羽清正 以下ニコニコのり)は、学校法人 塚本学院 大阪芸術大学と2022年10月締結の産学連携協定から「世界のおにぎり」プロジェクトを継続して参りました。「世界のおにぎり」は、2025 年大阪・関西万博に向けて、学生の創造力やアイデアとニコニコのりの商品開発力を活かして開発した世界各国の料理や食材の特徴を生かしたおにぎりを介して、世界各国の食文化に触れるきっかけや、海外の方に向けて自国のメニューを称する事でおにぎりを食す機会が増える事で少しでも多くの交流が生まれる事を期待致します。大阪芸術大学との協力のもと、これまでに13か国20種類を製品化(※1)し、ニコニコのりの笑屋NICO-YA(※2)キッチンカーにより、大阪芸術大学の学生の方々と共に様々なイベントに出店し販売して参りました。 (※3)







また、「世界のおにぎり」の展開の一つとして、ニコニコのり×大阪芸術大学の「世界のおにぎり」プロジェクトに象印マホービン様が共感頂いたことをきっかけに、2025年大阪・関西万博での象印マホービン様との共創を予定しております。象印マホービン様は大阪・関西万博の大阪外食産業協会のパビリオン内にて、同社最上位モデルの炊飯ジャー「炎舞炊き」で 炊いたごはんを使ったおにぎり店を出店することが決定しており、万博での店舗において「世界のおにぎり」をコラボメニューとして販売を予定されております。



■2022 年 10 月 29 日(土)、30 日(日)
ららぽーと EXPOCITY キッチン カーイベント

■2023 年 4 月 13 日(木)~ 4 月 16 日(日)

■2023 年 5 月 3 日(水・祝)~5 月 5 日(金・祝)
キッチンカーコレクション in サンシャインワーフ神戸 spring

■2023 年 11 月 3 日(金・祝)~ 11 月 5 日(日)
キッチンカーコレクション in サンシャインワーフ神戸 Autumn

■2023 年 11 月 30 日(木)
2023 年度 demo!expo 活動報告ショー『まちごと万博カーニバル』



NICO-NICO NORI INC x Osaka University of Arts
New products of the "Onigiri of the World" project are announced at the "Onigiri Summit" 
~British Consulate-General in Osaka, Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka (cooperation)
Date: Friday, February 2, 2024

(Head office: Osaka City, Osaka; President: Kiyomasa Shiraha), a manufacturer specializing in laver since 1921, has been offering safe and high-quality laver products and processed foods that are ahead of their time to bring smiles to dining tables and families. Since the industry-academia collaboration agreement signed in October 2022 with Tsukamoto Gakuin Osaka University of Arts, the company has continued the "Onigiri of the World" project. The "Onigiri of the World" is a project that aims to increase the number of people who will have the opportunity to experience the food culture of countries around the world and to promote their country's menu to people in other countries through onigiri that make use of the characteristics of food and ingredients from around the world, developed by utilizing the creativity and ideas of students and the product development capabilities of NICO-NICO NORI for the 2025 Osaka/Kansai World Exposition. We hope that the increased opportunities to eat onigiri will lead to more exchanges between people from different countries.
In cooperation with Osaka University of Arts, we have so far commercialized 20 kinds of onigiri from 13 countries (*1) and have sold them at various events with students from Osaka University of Arts at the NICO-YA (*2) kitchen car. (*3)

New products and renewal development by the "Onigiri of the World" project

With the cooperation of the British Consulate-General in Osaka and the Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka, we are pleased to announce the completion of "Onigiri of the World," two new products and one remake, to be presented at the "Onigiri Summit" to be held on February 2, 2024, in Tokyo (hosted by the Onigiri Association). The event will be held in Tokyo on February 2, 2024 (Friday). The product will be sold at future events and at "Smile Shop NICO-YA," a store specializing in NICO-NICO NORI Onigiri.

〈Fish and chips onigiri/United Kingdom〉
It is a traditional British dish of double deep-fried fish, pulled together with tartar sauce and malt vinegar, and eaten in the British style with a dash of malt vinegar. White fish fritters and fried potatoes deep-fried in a batter containing malt extract powder are combined with tartar sauce, malt vinegar, and other special sauces to create a hearty onigiri.

〈Cheese fondue onigiri / Switzerland〉
The authentic-tasting cheese sauce, which is richly made from Gruyere, a typical Swiss cheese with a bitter taste that lingers on the tongue and a creamy, rich flavor, with the added aroma of white wine and the delicious taste of garlic, is mixed with fragrant sausage with herbs and potatoes seasoned with consomme and served in onigiri.

〈Alpine macaroni onigiri / Switzerland〉
Alpine macaroni is a traditional Swiss Alpine dish consisting of macaroni and boiled potatoes with a generous amount of Gruyere cheese. The main flavor is the Gruyere cheese, and the sweetness of the fried onions and pancetta is accented by the sweet and sour apple puree and fried onions, making this a onigiri that brings out the best of the menu.

Onigiri is a simple menu consisting of rice, salt, and nori seaweed, which can be combined with a wide variety of ingredients other than traditional Japanese ingredients. Through the "Onigiri of the World" project, which combines Japan's soul food, onigiri, with dishes and ingredients from around the world, we aim to create more exchanges and expand the "nori culture" together with onigiri.

As part of the "Onigiri of the World" development, we are planning to co-create with Zojirushi Corporation at the Osaka-Kansai Expo in 2025, after Zojirushi Corporation sympathized with the "Onigiri of the World" project by NICO-NICO NORI x Osaka University of Arts. Zojirushi Corporation has decided to open an onigiri store in the Osaka Restaurant Management Association's pavilion at the Osaka Kansai Expo, using rice cooked in its top-of-the-line rice cooker "ENBUDAKI", and plans to sell "Onigiri of the World" as a collaborative menu item at the store at the Expo.

Onigiri products from around the world that have been sold to date (excerpts)

Past openings of "The World's Onigiri

October 29 (Sat.) and 30 (Sun.), 2022

Lalaport EXPOCITY Kitchen Car Event
(NICO-NICO NORI × Osaka University of Arts)

April 13th (Thursday) April 16th (Sunday), 2023
(NICO-NICO NORI × Osaka University of Arts)

May 3 (Wed) - May 5 (Fri), 2011
Kitchen Car Collection in Sunshine Wharf Kobe spring
(NICO-NICO NORI × Osaka University of Arts)

November 3 (Fri., holiday) - November 5 (Sun.), 2023
Kitchen Car Collection in Sunshine Wharf Kobe Autumn
(NICO-NICO NORI × Osaka University of Arts)

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Expo Activity Report Show "Machigoto Expo Carnival"
(Zojirushi Corporation x NICO-NICO NORI × Osaka University of Arts)


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