スパルーム/Spa Room
■アーユルヴェーダとは?/What is Ayurveda?
VATA:風・空気 PITTA:火・水 KAPHA:土・水
Ayurveda is a traditional medicine that originated in India and Sri Lanka. It is based on the idea of drawing out the inherent power of humans and guiding them to their natural state to achieve prevention and fundamental healing. In Sanskrit, "Ayur" means life or longevity, and "Veda" means science or truth, so Ayurveda is often referred to as "the science of life."
The ultimate goal of Ayurveda is to "enjoy life." It divides individuals into three doshas based on the combination of the five great elements-sky, wind, fire, water, and earth. This balance of doshas is said to form a person's appearance and personality.
VATA: Air and space PITTA: Fire and water KAPHA: Earth and water

スパルームにてシロダーラ施術/Shirodhara Treatment in the Spa Room
■バランスを整える方法「シロダーラ」/"Shirodhara: A Method to Restore Balance"
Shirodhara is a treatment based on Ayurveda, often referred to as a "brain massage" or "brain treatment." The word "Shiro" means head, and "Dhara" means to pour or to flow. By continuously pouring slightly warm oil in a steady stream over the forehead's central area (the third eye) and temples, the treatment gradually leads to a meditative state. This deep relaxation can improve insomnia, relieve tension and tightness in the brain, clear the mind, and promote detoxification by increasing metabolism and raising body temperature, thereby eliminating waste from the body. Additionally, as natural oils are used, it can also provide treatment effects for the scalp and hair.
青森で60年近く医療に携わってきたReLabo Spaのシグネチャートリートメントは、スリランカ政府認定アーユルヴェーダセラピストが考案した伝統的なシロダーラとアヴィヤンガを組み合わせたメニューです。
ReLabo Spa, which has been involved in medical care in Aomori for nearly 60 years, offers a signature treatment combining the traditional Shirodhara and Abhyanga therapies, designed by Sri Lankan government-certified Ayurvedic therapists.
Abhyanga involves the application of personalized oils to the entire body, stimulating metabolism and promoting blood circulation while helping to eliminate waste and impurities from the body.
Ayurvedic approaches, in addition to Western medicine, are essential for a wellness life. The treatment begins with a scrub using pomegranate oil, known for its benefits in improving insomnia, preventing hypertension, and atherosclerosis, blended with honey.
As you enjoy the sweet and enchanting aroma that brings peace of mind, the original oil blends featuring Japanese ingredients such as Kuro-moji, Hime-ko-matsu from Hida Takayama, Sudachi from Tokushima Prefecture, and Daidai from Miyazaki Prefecture, promote blood circulation, antioxidation, and moisturizing effects, giving your skin a radiant appearance.
All treatments combine the techniques of Ayurveda and aromatherapy using natural essential oils, providing a calming effect and encouraging deep breathing. Experience a tranquil time with the slow strokes of our therapists, enhancing your five senses.

■2024年12月 多くのお客様にご支持いただいた人気メニュー4選/Four Popular Menu Items Supported by Many Customers in December 2024
●ヘッド&シロダーラ+ボディアヴィヤンガ+フェイシャルアヴィヤンガ 150分
Head & Shirodhara + Body Abhyanga + Facial Abhyanga 150 minutes
●ヘッド&シロダーラ+ボディアヴィヤンガ+ミニフェイシャルアヴィヤンガ 120分
Head & Shirodhara + Body Abhyanga + Mini Facial Abhyanga 120 minutes
●ヘッド&シロダーラ+ボディアヴィヤンガ 90分
Head & Shirodhara + Body Abhyanga 90 minutes
●ヘッド&シロダーラ+デコルテ+腕・ハンド 90分
Head & Shirodhara + Decollete + Arms & Hands 90 minutes
(調査期間:2024年12月1日~12月31日 当社売上数調べ)
※その他、各種メニューもございます/We also offer a variety of other menus.

スパルーム/Spa Room
ReLabo Medical Spa & Stay


青森駅直結のReLabo Medical Spa&Stay
・ 企業名:株式会社城ヶ倉観光
・ ホテル名: ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay
・ 所在地: 青森県青森市柳川1丁目1-5
・ 開業日: 2024年7月11日
・ 施設内容: 宿泊施設、ウエルネスセンター(ヨガスタジオ、クリニック、ジム、スパ、和温泉)、レストラン
・ WELL 認証: V2 プラチナ取得(ホテルとして世界初)
・ ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay 総支配人 成田 広大
・ ウエルネスセンターマネージャー 佐々木 南
・ 電話: 017-762-0151
・ メールアドレス: info@relabo.com
・ 公式ウェブサイト: https://relabo.com/