アートビオトープ那須(栃木県那須町)では、2021年6月4日(金)から2022年5月31日(火)まで、彫刻家・掛井五郎氏の展覧会「超えてゆく人/掛井五郎展 変成作用II」展を開催します。また、2021年4月18日(日)から5月22日(土)まで、関連企画としてギャラリー册(東京都千代田区)で「超えてゆく人/掛井五郎展 変成作用I 生きているものはすべてメタモルフォーゼします。(ゲーテ)」展を開催します。


【掛井五郎 プロフィール】
展覧会名称:「超えてゆく人/掛井五郎展 変成作用II」
| オープニングトーク 11:30~13:00
| ランチビュッフェ 13:00~14:30

展覧会名称:「超えてゆく人/掛井五郎展 変成作用I 生きているものはすべてメタモルフォーゼします。(ゲーテ)」
会期: 2021年4月18日(日)~2021年5月22日(土)
会場:ギャラリー册(東京都千代田区九段南2-1-17 パークマンション千鳥ヶ淵1階)
アートビオトープ レジデンス(旧「アートビオトープ那須」)は、同地区に創業した「二期倶楽部」(1986年―2017年)の創業20周年を記念した文化事業として、2007年にオープン。その後、アーティストの滞在制作を支援する「アーティスト・イン・レジデンス」プログラムはじめ、オープンカレッジ「山のシューレ」などを継続的に開催してきました。「アートビオトープ」とは、「アート」と「生命の場所」を意味する「ビオトープ」という言葉を組み合わせた造語で、動植物が一つの生態系を形作っていくように、アートをテーマに人々が集い、交感し合い、コロニーを形成していく苗床となることを願ってつけられたものです。
【アートビオトープ スイートヴィラについて】
アートビオトープ スイートヴィラは、自然とアートが融合するリゾートという二期倶楽部の思想を受け継ぎ、二期倶楽部創業者である北山ひとみのプロデュースにより計画されました。設計を手がけたのは建築界のノーベル賞といわれるプリッカー賞、さらに広範な社会貢献事業が評価され、日本人として初めてマザー・テレサ社会正義賞を受賞した日本を代表する建築家の一人、坂 茂氏です。2020年に完成した、奥行3メートルの大きなテラスを持つ完全独立型の14棟(計15室)のスイートヴィラは、敷地の両脇を流れる美しい渓流を間近で楽しめるように、緩やかな傾斜を持つ土地の形状を生かして配置されています。周囲には敷地の造成中に出土した石を使用した擁壁が設けられ、火山である那須連山の山麓に広がるこの地の風土を表現しています。室内には、現代工芸や本を紹介する小さな展示空間「燦架(さんか)」が設置されています。
アートビオトープ那須 概要
レストラン料金:ランチ7,000円・ディナー14,000円 (税金・サービス料別)
A Man Who Goes Beyond/Goro Kakei
An exhibition taking place at the entire Art Biotop Suite Villa
By an unexpected fortunate opportunity , we are able to hold an exhibition of the sculptor Goro Kakei.
At the age of ninety, Goro Kakei is a rare artist who, while being an established Maestro Métier, does not consider his achievement as a constraint on his creative movement, and continues to challenge himself with new creative works.
His secret and unique method of using disobedient materials such as bronze and iron to shape flexible plasticity is unparalleled.
He has been praised for his "innate certainty of line drawing, and for possessing the lines of a child as an adult” and they are the source of his never-aging creativity.
His enormous body of work is a multilayered hymn to life, an elegy for the dead, and a protest to power.
His unrestrained transformations have always shaken the art world. His boldness, his limpid poetry, his existential philosophy and his freedom in formative design....
This exhibition was planned in the hope that it would inspire those who were broken-hearted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The works will be displayed outdoor on the premises, in the restaurant, and in the exhibition space of Suite Villa.
Coincidentally, June 5th will be the Maestro's 91st birthday, and we are planning an event to commemorate the occasion.
At Gallery Satsu in Kudanshita, Tokyo, there will be a related exhibition from April 18 to May 22, extracting the essence of Kakei's diverse works.
[Profile of Goro Kakei]
Born in Shizuoka in 1930. He graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a degree in sculpture. After working mainly with the New Creation Society, Goro Kakei was awarded the Kotaro Takamura Prize in 1982 and the Taijiro Nakahara Prize in 1992.
With his amazing creativity, Goro Kakei has created works that go beyond the bounds of materials, motifs and themes, and his hands never stop.
-Outline of the exhibition-
Name of Exhibition: "A Man Who Goes Beyond/Goro Kakei”
Period: June 4, 2021 (Friday) - May 31, 2022 (Tuesday)
Venue: Art Biotop Nasu (2294-3, Michiue Takakuotsu, Nasu-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture)
Cooperation: Goro Kakei Foundation
All the guest rooms will be open to the public on June 4 (Fri.), and from June 5 (Sat.). Only guests of the Suite Villas will be able to see the exhibition in the guest rooms.
■Opening Event■
June 4 (Friday)
Participation fee: 12,000 yen which includes buffet lunch, a one-day ticket for the exhibition, participation in the talk program, and free walk in the Water Garden (tax not included).
- Opening talk: 11:30-13:00
- Buffet lunch 13:00 - 14:30
■Summary of related events■
A Man Who Goes Beyond / Goro Kakei Exhibition
Dates: April 18 (Sun) - May 22 (Sat), 2021
Venue: Gallery Satsu (Park Mansion 1F, 2-1-17 Chidorigafuchi, Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Opening hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Cooperation: Goro Kakei Foundation
Approximately 117 items of sculptures, drawings, prints, and accessories will be exhibited.
[About Art Biotop]
Art Biotop Residence (formerly "Art Biotope Nasu") opened in 2007 as a cultural project to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Niki Club (1986-2017) located in the same area.
Since then, the facility has continued to hold the Artist in Residence program to support artists stay and create work, and the Open College Schule im Berg.
The word "Art Biotop" was coined by combining "art" and "biotope," which means "place of life” in the hope that it would become a nursery where people would gather under the theme of art, interact, and form a colony, just as plants and animals form an ecosystem.
[About Art Biotop Suite Villa]
Art Biotop Suite Villa was produced by the founder of Niki Club, Hitomi Kitayama inheriting Niki Club's philosophy of a resort that fuses nature and art.
It was designed by leading Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, the first Japanese winner of the Pritzker Prize, considered as the Nobel Prize in Architecture, and the Mother Teresa Social Justice Award for his extensive social contribution projects.
Completed in 2020, it consists of independent villas (15 rooms in total), with a 3-meter-width terrace located on a gently slope facing the beautiful mountain streams that runs along both sides of the property.
The surrounding retaining walls are made of stones excavated from the construction site to demonstrate the environment of this area spreading at the foot of the volcanic Nasu Mountains.
Each Villa has a small exhibition space called "Sanka" that showcases contemporary crafts and books.
[About the Water Garden]
The Water Garden has been awarded the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Art Department Prize for Newcomer (by Junya Ishigami) in 2018, the Cool Japan Award 2019, the first Obel Award (Junya Ishigami), and Good Design 2019 "Good Design Best 100".
[Art Biotop Nasu Overview]
Location: 2294-3 Michiue Takakuotsu, Nasu-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture
Number of guest rooms:
Suite Villas 15 rooms (including 2 dog friendly rooms and 2 connecting rooms)
Residence: 15 rooms
Restaurant μ: 35 seats
Café Kantan: 25 seats
Other facilities: Water Garden, Pottery Studio, Glass Studio, White Limousine
Room rates: from 60,000 yen (per person per night on weekdays on double occupancy, tax and service charge not included
Restaurant: 7,000 yen for lunch, 14,000 yen for dinner (tax and service charge not included)
Operation: Nikissimo Inc., (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Miyu Kitayama)